The Bean Home Newsletter is the official publication of the Friends of Freddy. Containing news, views, and book trading/selling information, it is the primary benefit of membership. You may join or renew your membership on this site by clicking on the Join the Club tab.
Please find below three representative issues of the Bean Home Newsletter. The newsletters are available either electronically or in print, depending on the type of membership you choose. If you have any questions, please contact the club at
The Spring 2017 issue contains news of our Little Free Library Campaign, among other articles about the Freddy books.
Spring 2017
The Fall 2016 issue tells of our 2016 Convention and gives you a good idea of what the 2018 convention will be like.
Fall 2016:
The Summer 2016 issue has an interesting article on Don Quixote and Freddy. Now that’s an intriguing combination!
Summer 2016:
Here is an index of the Bean Home Newsletter from 1994 – 2016:
Volume 23, no. 2 (Winter 2016)
Founding Member Henry S. F. Cooper, RIP
The Best of the Best, by Michael Cart
Conquering Fear – With a Play!, by Dave Carley
Brooks for President!, by Connie Arnold
Volume 23, no. 1 (Fall 2015)
“What’s My Line?” Freddy Quiz, by Connie Arnold
Walter R. Brooks and Mark Twain, by Henry Cohn
Rereading Freddy & Mr. Camphor, by Kevin W. Parker
Why Freddy is Funny, by Michael Cart
Volume 22, no. 4 (Spring 2015)
Dr. Walter R. Brooks: an Appreciation, by Michael Cart
Not Exactly Once Upon a Time or Happily Ever After, by Randy Cepuch
Volume 22, no. 3 (Winter 2015)
Freddy Finds a New Format
Conventions Past and Present
Convention 2014, by Connie Arnold
Freddy as Cannibal?, by Alice Tracy
Volume 22, no. 2 (Summer 2014)
Freddy Over Time, by Clara Brodey
The Poet’s Corner Revisited, by Michael Cart
Top 10 Laugh-Out-Loud Moments #6-10, by Alice Tracy
I Owe It All to Freddy, by Rick Hill
The Rooster, by “Edgar Allan Pig”
Frog and Toad … and Friendship, by Michael Cart
Volume 22, no. 1 (Spring 2014)
No, Not That Walter R. Brooks, by Michael Cart
My Freddy, by Nancy Joroff
Homer and Freddy, by Michael Cart
The Poet’s Corner
“The Party”, by Victor Manjarrez
Freddy and the Sweet Crunchy Biscuit, by Chris Redmond
Favorite Library Contest entries
Volume 21, no. 4 (Winter 2014)
Freddy Goes to the Middle Kingdom, by Connie Arnold
The Best Children’s Books?
From the Archives: Simon the Rat, by Victor Manjarrez
Freddy at First Flush, by Eric Shanower
The Rooster, by “Edgar Allan Pig”
Bean Farm New Year’s Resolutions
A Freddy Footnote, by Wray Rominger
Volume 21, no. 3 (Fall 2013)
Top 10 Laugh-Out-Loud Moments, by Alice Tracy
Freddy and the Critics, by Michael Cart
Freddy and the Blogosphere, by Alice Tracy
Back to the Bean Farm: The Clockwork Twin, by Kevin W. Parker
The Man Who Gave Freddy a Face, by Michael Cart
The Spring DC Get-Together, by Kevin W. Parker
Favorite Library Contest Results, by Alice Tracy
Volume 21, no. 2 (Winter 2013)
Paragon of Porkers, by Adam Hochschild
Freddy the Detective, by Michael Cart
Freddy and the Blogosphere, by Alice Tracy
Our New Blog, by Tim Deska-Kahn
I Discover Freddy, by Michael Cart
Walter’s Rules for Writing, by Michael Cart
Volume 21, no. 1 (Fall 2012)
Freddy and Patriotism, by Henry Cohn
He Almost Died Laughing, by Dave Carley
The 2012 Convention, by Aladdine Joroff
The Lost Manuscript, by Michael Cart
The HorriblesÕ Page: Nancy’s Clockwork Twin Game
Volume 20, no. 4 (Summer 2012)
Clockwork Twin review, by Michael Cart
More Poems by Freddy, by Rick Hill
Mr. Eha’s Corner: The Truth About All the Adopted Bean Children
Volume 20, no. 3 (Spring 2012)
Interview with Renee Marlow, author of Brooks’ Reply
Santa Claus and the Three B’s, by Nancy Joroff (conclusion)
Mr. Eha’s Corner: The True Story of the Ignormus
Volume 20, no. 2 (Winter 2012)
Freddy the Pig and Freddy the Rat, by Fred McCormick (conclusion)
Radio Drama in Beania
Volume 20, no. 1 (Fall 2011)
Santa Claus and the Three B’s, by Nancy Joroff (continued)
Freddy the Pig and Freddy the Rat, by Fred McCormick
Mr. Eha’s Corner: A Small Introduction
Poetry: “Freddy Goes to Fresno” and “My Visit to Freddy’s Dental Floss Farm”, presented by Harley Hahn
Pig Still Missing in 75 Countries, by Randy Cepuch
A North Pole Trivia Quiz, by Nancy Joroff
Volume 19, no. 4 (Summer 2011)
Tales About Tails, by Randy Cepuch (concluded)
Santa Claus and the Three B’s, by Nancy Joroff (continued)
Volume 19, no. 3 (Spring 2011)
Tales About Tails, by Randy Cepuch (continued)
Santa Claus and the Three B’s, by Nancy Joroff (continued)
Walter, Freddy, and Me, by Michael Cart
Fresno Convention Photos
Volume 19, no. 2 (Winter 2011)
Tales About Tails, by Randy Cepuch (continued)
Eighteen Laugh Out Loud Moments: Freddy and the Perilous Adventure, by Alice Tracy (continued)
Freddy Fest 2010, by Aladdine Joroff
More 2010 Convention Photos
Santa Claus and the Three B’s, by Nancy Joroff
Volume 19, no. 1 (Fall 2010)
An Interview with Our New President
Voting Fraud Blindsides Convention Contest, by Dave Carley
2010 Convention Photos
Overlook Announces Their First Freddy Paperbacks
Eighteen Laugh Out Loud Moments: Freddy and the Perilous Adventure, by Alice Tracy
Tales About Tails, by Randy Cepuch
Volume 18, no. 4 (Summer 2010)
Brooks’ Reply reviewed by Ibby Han
A Poetic Cowboy Quiz, by Aladdine Joroff
Walter Liked Simon, by Victor Manjarrez
Another Poem from the Recently Unearthed Lunchbox, by Rick Hill
Carte Blanche: A Crime Wave in the Catskills, by Michael Cart
Volume 18, no. 3 (Spring 2010)
A Poetic Tribute to Walter, by Aladdine Joroff
Brooks’ Reply reviewed by Kevin Parker
More Poems from the Recently Unearthed Lunchbox, by Rick Hill
Freddy in Historical Context: Freddy the Cowboy, by Nancy Joroff
Volume 18, no. 2 (Winter 2010)
The 2010 Friends of Freddy Convention
Literary Treasure Unearthed In El Cajon: Renaissance Pig Manuscripts Astound Researchers, Part One by Rick Hill
The Clockwork Twin: The Best Choice For Introducing Boys To Freddy?, by Alice Tracy
Freddy the Pig and the Singularity, by Fred McCormick
Freddy in Historical Context: Freddy the Pied Piper, by Nancy Joroff
Ode to Kurt Wiese, by Harley Hahn
Our Founders Speak, by Lee Secrest
Volume 18, no. 1 (Fall 2009)
A Kurt Wiese Weekend: the 25th Anniversary Friends of Freddy Convention, by Kevin W. Parker
When Your Tail Comes Uncurled: Fear in the Freddy Series, Part 2, by Kevin W. Parker
Freddy in Historical Context: Freddy and the Bean Home News, by Nancy Joroff
The Curses of Freddy the Pig, Part 3, by Randy Cepuch
A Kid’s-Eye View of the 2009 Convention, by Tim Deska-Kahn
Volume 17, no. 4 (Summer 2009)
BeanHomeLand Security: Dealing with Spies, Traitors and Terrorists in Freddy and Simon the Dictator, Part 2, by Rick Hill
Freddy in Historical Context: Freddy and the Perilous Adventure, by Nancy Joroff
The Curses of Freddy the Pig, Part 2, by Randy Cepuch
When Your Tail Comes Uncurled: Fear in the Freddy Series, Part 1, by Kevin W. Parker
Volume 17, no. 3 (Spring 2009)
Freddy and World War II, by Henry S. Cohn
Freddy in Historical Context: Freddy and the Ignormus, by Nancy Joroff
The Curses of Freddy the Pig, Part 1, by Randy Cepuch
BeanHomeLand Security: Dealing with Spies, Traitors and Terrorists in Freddy and Simon the Dictator, Part 1, by Rick Hill
Volume 17, no. 2 (Winter 2009)
President’s Page: Remembering Diana Halpern, by Michael Cart
Talking Animals and Others, review by Henry S. Cohn
Freddy in Historical Context: Wiggins for President, by Nancy Joroff
2008 Convention Photos
Is There an Ignormus? An Empirical Investigation into the Aerodynamical Qualities of a Weighted Bedsheet, by Kevin W. Parker
Past President’s Address, by Nancy Joroff
Volume 17, no. 1 (Fall 2008)
Freddy Fest 2008, by Aladdine Joroff
Last Pig Standing, by Dave Carley
The Maverick: Why Simon the Dictator Was Chosen Last Pig Standing, by Rick Hill
President’s Inaugural Message, by Michael Cart
Volume 16, no. 4 (Summer 2008)
Freddyfest ’08 info
The magic of Freddy, by David Haas
Freddy goes cooking, by Alice Tracy
Clockwork Twin activities page, by Nancy Joroff
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy the Pied Piper reviewed by Kevin Parker
Memorable musings: Verbatim quotes from Freddy Goes to Florida
Special insert: “Last Pig Standing” Voters’ Guide
Volume 16, no. 3 (Spring 2008)
More than half the world has our version of swine flu: an update on the “Worldwide Freddy” program
Letters: How Freddy saved my life, twice
A recruiting poster for the Friends of Freddy
Some thoughts on the Bean Home News scrap drive, by Henry Cohn
Memorable musings: Verbatim quotes from Freddy and the Bean Home News
Trivia Game, by Thomas Abraham Brodey, age 8
2008 convention information and registration form
Volume 16, no. 2 (Winter 2008)
Freddy and the Dragon, the final Freddy book, turns 50, by Randy Cepuch
Seventeen new stamps in Freddy’s passport: a global ham update
Viral marketing in California: pig appears on sidewalk
Memorable musings: Verbatim quotes from Freddy and the Dragon
Volume 16, no. 1 (Fall 2007)
Worldwide ham: Globalizing Freddy
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy and the Flying Saucer Plans reviewed by Kevin Parker
Memorable musings: Verbatim quotes from Freddy and the Flying Saucer Plans
Pig out! Recipes for Eeny’s cheese bites and baking powder biscuits by Nancy Joroff
“Pigs on Parade” in Seattle
Freddy cited in Harry Potter review
Horribles on the march
Volume 15, no. 4 (Summer 2007)
Book donation program by Nancy Joroff
Year of the Pig at Drumlin Farm by Rob Loud
Backe to the Bean Farm: Freddy and the Popinjay reviewed by Kevin Parker
Memorable musings: Verbatim quotes from Freddy and the Popinjay
“Man wrote story of Mr. Ed” (Walter Brooks profiled by The Daily Star, Oneonta, NY)
Strange but true: Discrepancies in Freddy Goes to the North Pole compiled by Ed Carrier
Volume 15, no. 3 (Spring 2007)
2007: Year of the Pig
Mid-Atlantic mini-convention report
The pitfalls of anthropomorphism by Gloria Hatrick
Do Freddy characters live up to (or down to) their names? by Randy Cepuch
Volume 15, no. 2 (Winter 2007)
2007: Year of the Pig
Lost in Translation: A comparison of the Chinese, German and English versions of Freddy the Detective, by Jeb Rong
Freddy goes to Canada…eh?, by Dave Carley
Verbatim quotes from Freddy the Pilot
Volume 15, no. 1 (Fall 2006)
Porkologist convention leaves Round Top spinning, by Randy Cepuch
Barnyard Brainteasers, by Ibby Han and Hannah McLean
Messages from incoming president Nancy Joroff …
… and from outgoing president Nancy Wright
Our pig makes headlines at the Contra Costa News: “Freddy the Pig has fans of all stripes,” by Martin Snapp
Pig out!: Mrs. Bean’s molasses cookies, by Nancy Joroff
Volume 14, no. 4 (Summer 2006)
Freddyfest 2006 will feature a crime in the Catskills – a pre-convention event summary by Nancy Wright
Pork productions to increase – Kevin Parker’s review of “Freddy, the King of Detectives” in York, PA
What Ibby did on her summer vacation – a voracious young reader likes our pig, by Kevin Parker
Meet a friend of Freddy: Alice Tracy – an interview with our vice president and membership director
Database tracks characters from book to book – by Ed Carrier
Bring your checkbook to Freddyfest 2006 – a list of auction items, by Dan Josslin
Volume 14, no. 3 (Spring 2006)
2006 FreddyFest hotel booking information and a sneak peak at a few agenda items
Meet The Beantles! A look at how the “Farm Four” changed popular music forever by Randy Cepuch with illustrations by Jack Bromiley
Freddy Plays Cards, a summary of a long-lost manuscript discovered by Jonathan Levine
Final Call for “Pork In York”: Information about a live production of “Detective” by Kevin W. Parker
Verbatim quotes from Simon the Dictator, which was first published 50 years ago
Meet a Friend of Freddy: Bruce Mueller, an interview by Sarah Kishler
Volume 14, no. 2 (Winter 2006)
What if there were more Freddy titles? by Mr. Eha
State of the Friends of Freddy Address by Nancy Wright
Barnyard brainteasers: Can you write a Freddy story?
Memorable musings: Verbatim quotes from Freddy the Pied Piper
Volume 14, no. 1 (Fall 2005)
Who can it be now? Jack Bromiley tallies Freddy’s disguises
Info on FreddyFest 2006
Why a sunbonnet and curls? Mr. Eha offers a few possible answers
Memorable musings: Verbatim quotes from Freddy the Politician
Meet one of Freddy’s best friends: Michael Cart profiled by Sarah Kishler
“Freddy, the King of Detectives” reviewed by Pierce Koslosky, Jr.
Barnyard brainteasers: Family matters
Volume 13, no. 4 (Summer 2005)
“Freddy, the King of Detectives” plays Omaha
Living at Bean Zero: Freddy fans in Brooks’ old home
Verbatim quotes from Freddy the Detective, by Walter R. Brooks
Barnyard Brainteasers from Freddy the Magician, by Nancy Joroff
Moo Shu Pork: Freddy books in Chinese
Meet a real Freddy the Pig, by Sharon Bynum
Volume 13, no. 3 (Spring 2005)
50th anniversary of Baseball Team From Mars
Mr. Eha brings us up to date on the Martians, by Mr. Eha
Sample English-Martian phrases, by Mr. Eha
A re-reading of Baseball Team, by Kevin W. Parker
Verbatim quotes from the book, by Walter R. Brooks
Barnyard Brainteaser: The challenge of “illetteracy”
The missing feature poems: “The Neck,” by Harley Hahn
Memories of Freddy, by Fred McCormick
Marrying into a Freddy family, by James Zug
Volume 13, no. 2 (Winter 2005)
Rome overrun by pig patrons: FreddyFest 2004, by Connie Arnold
A message from President W, by Nancy Wright
Comparing Freddy the Detective with Sherlock Holmes, by Jack Bromiley
It’s Freddy’s world (A map showing where Freddy books have been sighted)
Ode to Mrs. Peppercorn, by John Chastain
How to find Walter Brooks’ grave, by Nick Sturgeon
Barnyard Brainteasers: The naming of cats
Farewell, Friends!: A message from outgoing editor Kevin W. Parker
It must be Thursday: A message from incoming editor Randy Cepuch
Volume 13, no. 1 (Special 20th anniversary issue!)
A Timeline of the Friends of Freddy, 1983-2004, by Kevin W. Parker
Whither Friends of Freddy?, by Aladdine Joroff
Whither Friends of Freddy?, by Dave Carley
It All Began with a Classroom Book Collection in 1958, by Connie Arnold
Volume 12, no. 4 (Summer 2004)
Freddy on Stage: a review of “Freddy, the King of Detectives,” by Kevin W. Parker
Putting Freddy on the Stage: an interview with the playwright and the director
Where on Earth is the Bean Farm?, by Michael Cart
Layout of the Bean Farm, by Kevin W. Parker
Volume 12, no. 3 (Spring 2004)
Fans Enjoy Return of Freddy, by Bryan Woolley
Law in the Freddy Books, by Aladdine D. Joroff, Esq.
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy’s Cousin Weedly
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy’s Cousin Weedly
Volume 12, no. 2 (Winter 2004)
The Napoleon Telegram, by John Chastain
Football, Race, and Sports, by Chuck Murray
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy Plays Football
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy Plays Football
Volume 12, no. 1 (Summer 2003)
Investing Like a Pig: How Freddy Would Choose Stocks, by Randy Cepuch
Maillist Survey Results
75th Anniversary Convention Minutes
Freddy Appleseed Program
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy Goes to the North Pole
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy Goes to the North Pole
Volume 11, no. 4 (Winter 2003)
Outgoing President’s Message
Incoming President’s Message
75th Anniversary Convention Minutes
Freddy Appleseed Program
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy the Cowboy
Volume 11, no. 3 (Summer 2002)
Great Mysteries of the Freddy Series
Brooks’ Haunted House, by Virginia V. Herrmann
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy and the Perilous Adventure
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy and the Perilous Adventure
Volume 11, no. 2 (Spring 2002)
Wiese Weekend, by Nancy Joroff
Walter R. Brooks for Adults, by Bob Anderson
The Horribles’ Page: “Hamlet of the Barnyard”
Volume 11, no. 1 (Special 75th Anniversary Issue)
The Congratulations Pour In: Congratulatory letters from the Beans, Mrs. Wiggins, Mr. Eha, the Webbs, and many more
Seventy-five Years Ago, by Michael Cart
Freddy and His Times, a timeline compiled by Dan Josslin
To & Again to Florida, by Alice Tracy
The Horribles’ Page: the Ultimate Freddy Quiz!
Volume 10, no. 4 (Winter 2002)
Bean Farm mail
News and announcements
Technology in the Freddy Series, by Kevin W. Parker
Poetry Corner, by Harley Hahn, et. al.
Freddy’s Science Fiction Adventure, by Dan Josslin
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy and the Spaceship
Volume 10, no. 3 (Summer 2001)
Bean Farm mail
News and announcements
Minicon reports
Freddy reviewed in Bookpage
Freddy article from the Naples (FL) News
The Making of Wit and Wisdom, by Sarah Koslosky
Panning for Gold in Freddy and the Bean Home News, by John Chastain
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy Goes To Florida
Volume 10, no. 2 (Winter 2001)
Bean Farm mail
News and announcements
Convention photos and minutes
Animal Literacy, by Alice Tracy
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy and the Ignormus
Pigs in the news
Volume 10, no. 1 (Fall 2000)
Bean Farm mail
News and announcements
From the outgoing president
From the incoming president
On rediscovering Freddy and his friends, by Tom O’Neil
Freddy’s the perfect mascot for upstate, by Sean Kirst (Syracuse Post-Standard, 10/23/00)
Spotlight on Kurt Wiese
The Horribles’ Page: Freddy the Politician
Pigs in the news: “Pigs Do Fly”
Volume 9, no. 4 (Summer 2000)
Bean Farm mail
News and announcements
Freddy Makes the Papers
In Defense of Freddy and the Dragon, by Alice Tracy
Review of The Wit and Wisdom of Freddy and His Friends, by Kevin W. Parker
Review of the Recorded Books version of Freddy and the Flying Saucer Plans, by Kevin W. Parker
Brooks letters
Freddy’s urban legends
Volume 9, no. 3 (Winter 2000)
Entire issue in PDF format! (388k, requires Adobe Acrobat)
Bean Farm Mail
News and announcements
Freddy the Felon, by “Mr. Eha” (at Mr. Eha’s site)
Pigs Across America: Thank-yous from Libraries
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy the Pilot
The kids’ page: Freddy the Pilot
Volume 9, no. 2 (Spring 1999)
Entire issue in PDF format! (262k, requires Adobe Acrobat)
Bean Farm Mail
News and announcements
My search for Freddies, by Keith Muraoka
Convention comments
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy and the Bean Home News
The kids’ page: Freddy and the Bean Home News
Poetry corner
Mentions of Freddy
Jungian Archetypes and Semiotic Density in the Freddy the Pig books, by Kevin W. Parker
Volume 9, no. 1 (Fall 1998)
Bean Farm Mail
News and announcements
From the outgoing president
From the incoming president
Convention minutes 1998
Freddy’s classifieds
Boom, Boom, Boom…Boomschmidt’s Stupendous Circus, by Alice Tracy
Volume 8, no. 4 (Summer 1998)
Friends of Freddy Convention 1998
Bean Farm Mail
Reprints selling well; next two on schedule
Mentions of Freddy
The kids´ page: Freddy and the Baseball Team From Mars
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy and the Dragon, by Kevin W. Parker
From the Editor
Poetry Corner: “Four Quatrains for the Ex-Library Copy”
In Defense of Freginald, by Dan Josslin
Pigs in the News
Freddy´s Classifieds
Volume 8, no. 3 (Winter 1998)
Publisher´s Weekly to World: Freddy´s Back!
Bean Farm Mail
Politics for Children: Walter R. Brooks and Freddy the Pig, by Fred T. Friedman
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy the Detective, by Kevin W. Parker
The kids´ page: Freddy the Detective
Mentions of Freddy
Freddy´s Classifieds
Volume 8, no. 2 (Summer 1997)
It’s Official: Freddy’s Back in Print!!
– How To Order
– How It Happened, by Wray Rominger
Freddy the Pig on the Internet, by Clare Watsky
Brooks’s Rivals, Part I: Lily Wesselhoeft, predecessor, by Aladdine Joroff
Brooks’s Rivals, Part II: George Orwell, Freddy wannabe, by Lee Secrest
Brooks’s Rivals, Part III: Kenneth Grahame, the British Walter Brooks, by Kevin W. Parker
The kids´ page
Letters and news
Back to the Bean Farm: The Story of Freginald, by Kevin W. Parker
Book & T-shirt Bazaar
Volume 8, no. 1 (Winter 1997)
Pilgrimage to Brooks´ gravesite, by Kevin W. Parker
From the President
The ´96 convention, by Connie Arnold
An incredible discovery, by Henry S. F. Cooper
Applause for Aladdine
Freddy and the Internet
NEW! The kids´ page
From the Editor
Volume 7, no. 4 (Summer 1996)
Back to the Bean Farm: Wiggins for President, by Kevin W. Parker
The Search for the Convention Site, by Jaimee Joroff
How I Met Freddy, by Bruce Mueller
Beyond the Big Woods, by Dave Carley
Volume 7, no. 3 (Winter 1996)
Two Villains (Part Two), by Victor Manjarrez
The Pig O’ My Heart, by Michael Cart
Female Characters in the Freddy Series (Part Two), by Connie Arnold
Pigs in the News
Back to the Bean Farm: To and Again, by Kevin W. Parker
When Freddy and I Were Young, by Sondra Gordon Langford
Politeness and Parody: Some Thoughts on Freddy’s Cousin Weedly, by Eric Shanower
Some Comments by Freddy
Volume 7, no. 2 (Fall 1995)
My Really Big Find of 1995, by Dan Josslin
Two Villains (Part One), by Victor Manjarrez
Rediscovering Freddy the Pig, by Sallie Palmer
Female Characters in the Freddy Series (Part One), by Connie Arnold
About Kurt Wiese: The Man Who Gave Freddy a Face, by Michael Cart
Promoting the Freddy Books, by Carol Van Strum
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy and the Spaceship, by Kevin W. Parker
From the Friends’ Mailbag: West Coast Edition, by Kevin W. Parker
Volume 7, no. 1 (Spring 1995)
A Review of New York: An Intimate Guide (by Walter R. Brooks), by Eric Shanower
Pig Brings Out Ham in Politicians
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy the Cowboy, by Kevin W. Parker
Volume 6, no. 4 (Fall/Winter 1994-95)
The Convention (a poem), by Janice Hodges
The Freddy Books as Genre Fiction, by Dan Josslin
Remembering Dorothy [Brooks], by Michael Cart
Occupational Hazard, by Walter R. Brooks
Back to the Bean Farm: Freddy and the Ignormus, by Kevin W. Parker
Volume 6, no. 3 (Summer 1994)
From the Friends’ Mailbag, by Kevin W. Parker
How to Find Books, by Lee Secrest